How did the two of you meet?
“Stephen and I met (officially) in piano class during the first week of my freshman year at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. I was the only freshman girl in a class with him and all of his guy friends. He helped me feel comfortable and we bonded over being from Pennsylvania and our love of music and time with our families. Many duet assignments later, he asked if I’d want to carpool over Christmas break (my parents drive one way, his parents the other) and I (secretly very excitedly) agreed!”

Tell us about the proposal!
“Stephen proposed on August 15, 2020. As you might guess, keeping anything secret has been a challenge. We also talked candidly about how we wanted it to happen summer 2020, so I knew it was coming. The way he did it was still a complete surprise! He gave me a packing list and told me to take off from work so we could leave early in the morning (wherever we were going!). It wasn’t until hour 5 of the drive that he finally, officially told me we were going to Rochester – where we first met and fell in love! It holds such a special place in our hearts and I hadn’t been since I graduated from undergrad in 2017. We visited our old stomping grounds and Stephen planned a picnic for Saturday evening. After morning kayaking and sightseeing, Stephen took me to Onanda Park at Canandaigua Lake, told me the most beautiful things as we sat in Adirondack chairs, and took me down to the water where he finally proposed! It was incredibly special and meaningful, and we of course stopped at our favorite ice cream spot (Pittsford Farms Dairy) afterwards!”

These are beautiful! Really captures your love for each other. 💕
These photos are so lovely! Congratulations to Kaley and Stephen – you two are just perfect together! 🥰