On the last weekend in May, Amanda and Bobby tied the knot at the beautiful Philmont Country Club. Within moments of being back with this couple, I was reminded why I was so eager for their big day months ago when we shot their engagement! And as I edited their images and prepared this blog post, I fell in love with them all over again!
There were many moments of sentimental tears, topped with double the amount of deep belly laughter. My favorite moments however, were of Bobby looking at his beautiful bride. Bobby gets this specific look/smile on his face when he looks at Amanda and it’s different than the smile that sometimes comes out when you’re forced to smile for a picture for the 5th consecutive hour. I’m telling you guys, his grin is from ear to ear! And there is absolutely no doubt that this is a man who truly adores his wife.
Amanda + Bobby, Congratulations!
Thank you for allowing me the honor of capturing your wedding day

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